Bench 9/5

A. Bench with pause 5×5@210, 1×14@210 with no pause
B. Dead Bench (start 1″ off the chest) 8×1@175 w/20 sec rest. SPEED!
C1. Magnum Lat Pulldown 3×12@275
C2. T-bar Row 3×10@110
D. DB Front + Lateral Raise 3x8each@30lbs
E. Triceps Rope Extension 100 reps@100lbs

Training 8/9

Accessory/Bodybuilding day
A1. Standing military 2×10@45, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 155×5, 175×4, 195×1 (went for 2, but was smoked on the second rep and couldn’t lock out)
A2. Parallel grip chin-up 8×5
B1. Preacher curl 110×10, 130×10, 120×13
B2. DB lateral raise 3×15@30
C1. Dips 4×12
C2. DB rear raise 3×15@25
D. Seated calves 60 reps @90lbs
E. Calf burnout 40,30,20,10each
F1. Chin-up x11
F2. Push-up x30

Training 8/6

I should probably post more pictures and pretty things, but I won’t. All I will say is that carbs are awesome, I feel strong, my speed is really good right now, and overall I am extremely happy with my training right now.

Speed Upper
A. Speed bench 2×15@45, 135×5, 8×3@185
B. DB incline w/ pause 70×15,15,13
C. Cable Tri extension 100×1.5 reps @100 (1.5 reps = 1 full rep + 1 half rep counts as 1 rep)
D. DB flye 3×15@40
E. GHD sit-ups 55 reps

Training 7/27

Heavy Upper
A. Bench (no belt, no wraps, no hand-off) 2×20@45, 135×5, 165×4, 205×3, 225×2, 265×1, 4×2@245 w/ pause, 1×9@245 w/ no pause
B. Bench down sets 185×15, 185×11
C1. Lat pulldown 3×12@165, 180, 180
C2. Skull crushers 60×25, 70×18, 70×15
D1. DB shrug 3×20@95 w/5 sec hold on last rep
D2. BB standing military w/ pause 2×5@135, 1×8@135
E. Parallel grip pull-ups 1×10

Happy Memorial Day

Repetition Upper
A. Hammer Strength Iso Shoulder Press 70×5, 100×5, 130×5, 180 for 5×5
B. Closegrip bench 135×5, 185×5, 225 for 3×5
C1. DB incline 2×5@90
C2. DB shrug 2×20@90
D. DB incline 1xamrap@85 12 reps
E. DB shrug 1×12 w/ squeeze @85
F. DB rear raise 3×12@25, after last set dropped to 15s and did 14 more reps
G. 1.5 rep cable triceps extension 4×20@90