10/25 Squat Day

A. Squat 5×5@365. Shout out to Terry….we both filmed ourselves and were taking every rep to the basement…which explains…

B. Front Squat 315×5, and then I only got 1 rep on the second set and almost passed out so I decided it was best to stop there.

C1. Weighted GHD 15×8, 20×6, 2×6@25
C2. Chin-ups 10,10,15

10/4 Squat

A. Squat 7×3@375
B. Front Squat 2×5@295
C. Pause Squat 2×8@295
D. GHD 3×15@bw
E. Ring Pull-ups 7,6,7

By the way, if you are looking for training/powerlifting apparel, check out IRON & EMOTION not only do they have cool training apparel for men and women, but they make custom graphics for a lot of great training websites/blogs, etc. I just bought this t-shirt yesterday….goes good with my blog, huh?iron barbarian

Last couple of weeks

I’ve been very busy with a big work transition, travel etc, and I have been deloading a little bit in weight and volume since I am starting a new 10 week training cycle today, so here is what I’ve done over the last couple of weeks:

9/21 Saturday
A. Squat 245×5, 295×3, 345×2, 375×1, 405×1, 425×7
B. Front Squat 2×6@315

9/23 Monday
A. Deadlift 2×5@385, 385×13
B. Sumo DL 2×7@365
C1. GHD w/10lbs 2×10
C2. T2B 2×10
D1. DB Shrugs 110×28
D2. Leg Curl 115×16

9/26 Thurs
A. Bench 225 as many reps as possible in 30 min 107 reps. I can definitely beat that. Was just getting a feel for that workout.
B. DB Row 100 reps each at 100lbs did it in 14:51. I can also do that quicker. Gonna beat that time this week.
C1. DB Front/Lateral Raise 3x11each @30
C2. DB Rear Raise 3×15@30

9/27 Friday
A. Squat 225×2, 275×2, 315×2, 365×2, 405×2, 455×3, 485×3
B. Front Squat 315×2, 345×2, 365×2

9/30 Monday. First Day of new 10 week cycle
A. Deadlift 7×3@435
B. Sumo block pulls 2×3@485
C. 2″ Deficit DL 2×4@435
D. Weighted Ring row 25lbsx15,15,10
E. BB Shrugs 225×20, 275×15,15
F. Pull-upsx8,8,6
G. Farmer’s walks @85lbs each: 30sec on, 30sec rest for 3 sets

Squat 9/7

It felt good to squat for the first time in several weeks. Today the focus again was on rep work, but I still stopped well short of failure. I took videos of my last sets of squat and front squat and posted them on Instagram, then deleted them from my phone like an idiot. OCD. For video, follow me @dvegatron. The squat video didn’t show how deep I was going, so I adjusted the camera on front squats. Depth was perfect on every rep.

A. Squat 5×5@350, added wraps and belt, 1×12@350
B. Front Squat 2×6@295
C1. Leg extension 150×23,25
C2. Leg curl 90×25
D1. GHD sit-ups 2×15
D2. DB shrug 2×30@90

Training 7/9

Short but brutal. Especially if you’re training in a 150 degree sweat box with no AC.

800m warm up wearing a chain around my neck, 1×10 squats at 160, then straight into this circuit:

Box squat (12″ box) @250×5
Prowler push up and back (about 25 yards total)
Deficit deadlift @235×5
Prowler push up and back (about 25 yards total)
4 rounds

Training 6/22

Today was not fun. I don’t have much to say about this workout. I’m not sure how hard it would be for other people. All I can say is that it really sucked for me.

A. Squats 160×10, 250×10, 360×9, moved stance in close, 360×10
B. Deadlift 2×10@365, 5 shrugs after each set
C. Zercher Squats 195×3, 3×10@155
D. DB Row 5x10each@100
E. Reverse hyper 3×10

We kept the pace quick until my back tightened up. Then I had no choice but to rest 2-3 min after each set. I’m ready for bed.

Training 5/13, 5/14

Mon 5/13
ME Safety bar box squat on 12″ box with 35lb bumper: hit 515 and then did 3×1@465
A1. RDL 4×5@375-385
A2. GHD Sit-ups 4×15

Tuesday 5/14
Snatch 3×1@165, 3×1@175, 3×1@185
A1. Push press 4×8@135
A2. Chin-up 4×8
A3. DB rear raises 3×15@25
B. sled pulling: 135x800m in 11:16
*this day was supposed to be my dynamic effort day, but I switched it to a light upperbody/GPP workout, since I will be training at a new powerlifting gym on Thursday and Saturday.